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Southern Ohio Adventures

You get a line, I’ll get a pole, Jackson County has plenty of fishing holes!

Jackson County is the perfect place for someone who enjoys going fishing. With multiple lakes surrounding our area, you are sure to be ‘hooked’ on our fishing spots. All of which, are located not far out of town so you won’t have to travel far to get to them.

Hammertown Lake has always been one of my spots in Jackson County for many reasons, but fishing is obviously the main one. I actually caught my first fish at Hammertown Lake when I was a little girl so naturally I always gravitate here.  Located just outside of the City of Jackson, it is the perfect spot for a full day of fun. Hammertown is another great lake if you want to get out your kayak out and do some fishing offshore. If you are interested in catfishing, rumor has it that there is a lot of big catfish swimming around in there! I almost got pulled in the lake by one that got away on me! Be sure to get your spot early though, most of the known spots get taken up pretty quickly.

If you are heading towards the Oak Hill Area, Jackson Lake is another fishing spot worth checking out. It is located just a few miles outside Oak Hill, it is easy to find and is stocked full of a variety of fish. Also, check out Cooper Hollow. It features a lot of great nature trails and you may just be able to find a few fishing spots while you are at it! Cooper Hollow is a beautiful spot to bring the family for a day, or head out solo for some quality fishing time.

The most important thing you need when going fishing is bait of course!! Mike’s Bait and Tackle located in Wellston right by McDonald’s is a hidden gem for bait and fishing supplies! They have night crawlers, minnows, goldfish, and a variety of fishing supplies you may need to pick up as well! (You can even get a pole there.) The shop does not accept credit/debit cards, so be sure to bring cash with you!

After you stop at William’s Bait and Tackle, you can head on down State Route 93 to Lake Alma, it is filled with bluegill, largemouth bass, and catfish. You can fish right on the bank in the beach area, or make your way to the island on the other side of the lake. Lake Alma also offers camping sites, so why not make a weekend of it!? If you travel just a few miles down State Route 93 outside of  Hamden you can find Lake Rupert/ Wellston Wildlife Management Area located a couple of miles off of State Route 683. Lake Rupert is one of my favorite spots to fish, not only do they have a variety of bluegill, crappie, largemouth bass, and catfish, it is a beautiful spot to get out on a kayak and fish offshore. I have always had a lot of good luck fishing at Lake Rupert and it seems to be a local favorite spot as well!

If you plan on heading out to any of these great fishing spots in our area, be sure that you obtain your fishing license first! It is only $25.00 for a year and it is super easy to get! I bought mine online at and it took less than 5 minutes. You can print yours out our keep a copy on your phone. I like keeping mine in a special folder on my phone so I can access it quick and easy and not worry about misplacing it.

If you take advantage of all of the great fishing spots , I would LOVE to see your photos with your catch! Tag my Facebook Page at Southern Ohio Adventures, or my Instagram at @southernohioadventures and use #SouthernOhioAdventures, and I may just share your photo on my pages!

Stories of The Rolling Hills of Southern Ohio

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