Housed in the beautiful old Welsh Congregational Church in the village of Oak Hill, Ohio, the Welsh-American Heritage Museum contains many items that came with the early immigrants to the area from Cardiganshire, Wales from 1818 to 1860's.
For a virtual tour of the Museum, visit:
Madog Center for Welsh Studies
University of Rio Grande, Rio Grande
Located in the midst of one of the largest Welsh-American settlements in North America, the Madog Center for Welsh Studies has established a Resource Center and Library. The activities and programs of the Madog Center help to support the preservation of the Welsh language and culture, the arts, academics, the Welsh-American connection, and promotes local Welsh-American activities.
The Welsh Scenic Byway runs for 64 miles in Jackson and Gallia Counties as part of Ohio’s Scenic Byway’s Program. The imprint left by the Welsh immigration of the 1800’s is evident in the many preserved Welsh chapels, cemeteries, the Welsh-American Heritage Museum, and the Madog Center for Welsh Studies at the University of Rio Grande.